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Voucher Applications

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We will continue to provide a reviewed, merit-based Voucher Program for NIH-funded investigators, and others from academic laboratories across the United States, to access the National Resource for fully subsidized services. Vouchers are designed to support a 10-plex TMT or 20 sample DIA analysis, which are common types of service requests with adequate statistical power. We budget to support up to 50 vouchers each year. Vouchers will be accepted, reviewed, and awarded three times per year.


The Voucher Program will be broadly advertised via email (using our growing list of >500 users and interested investigators), LinkedIn, website, during all education/outreach/training activities of the National Resource, and targeted emails to PIs of grants awarded by the NIGMS IDeA Program for those in states historically under-resourced and disadvantaged. Applicants will be required to arrange for a video consultation with Drs. Tackett, Beenken, and Province to discuss experimental design and eligibility. The final product of that consultation will be a design that aligns with a 10-plex TMT or 20 sample DIA analysis.

Application submission

Any NIH-funded investigator, and others performing research within the mission areas of NIGMS from academic laboratories across the United States that do not have current NIH funding, will be permitted to apply. Applications will be electronic and made through a custom developed Piestar portal. Applicants will have two pages to describe their project, quantitative proteomics needs, and research relevance to the mission of NIGMS. A copy of the cost estimate provided by the National Resource will be required for submission. We will accept applications three times a year. We will award up to 50 each year.

Review and prioritization

Using the Piestar system, we will assign two reviewers from the National Resource. Reviewers will have two weeks to evaluate applications and use Piestar to provide a NIH-style critique. At the two-week point, we convene a NIH-style study section review led by Dr. Tackett and prioritize applications by merit. During the review, we prioritize meritorious applications from under-resourced investigators, investigators from under-resourced institutions, and those from diverse backgrounds, including individuals from groups underrepresented in the biomedical sciences. In alignment with our PEDP, we will reserve up to 25 of 50 annual vouchers for those underserved, underrepresented, and from diverse backgrounds, and we also prioritize meritorious applicants that have NIH early-stage or new investigator status as well as mid-career investigators seeking to renew extramural support. Dr. Tackett will notify voucher recipients and provide feedback to those not selected to encourage them to apply again in the future.

Administration of awarded vouchers

Voucher funds will come from the IDeA National Resource for Quantitative Proteomics budget and not be transferred to the voucher recipient. Voucher recipients will be required to have their samples ready for analysis within three months after notification of award. Recipients will be required to acknowledge NIGMS and the National Resource grant number in all reporting of data.

Post-award requirements

Voucher recipients will be required to participate in an evaluation of the program after using the voucher, and annually for up to five years to acquire information on how the voucher impacted their research, enabled manuscripts, supported current NIH grants, and enabled new NIH grants.