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Internship Opportunities

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We offer an Internship Program for workforce development of undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers. The program was developed to fill a workforce development gap in the field of proteomics and more generally biomedical research. The mission of the Internship Program is to provide a unique opportunity for the next generation of scientists to explore an alternative career option in biomedical research by gaining experience in a national resource and core facility environment. Once on- site the intern will work with their mentor to be folded into the daily activities of the National Resource including sample preparation meetings and project review, so they get to experience what it would be like to work in a national level facility. Interns will work through all three phases of our workflow (sample prep, data collection, and bioinformatics). The National Resource has budgeted for and will cover all expenses related to travel, accommodations, and meals for interns, creating a unique and free opportunity for workforce development.

We will annually identify two undergraduate students to spend 9 weeks on-site at the National Resource during the summer.

We will annually select two graduate students or postdoctoral researchers to spend 2 weeks on-site at the National Resource during the fall semester.